Saturday, September 25, 2010

I am playing catch-up with my fav blogs! Can we please discuss Scrangie's Ruffian eclipse manis?  Here is the original:

They are divine!  I've been wanting  to try this manicure since I saw it. She mentioned having her Konad tools around, so I guess she used one of the french manicure plates, but in the opposite direction.  Here is a tutorial video for Konads.  Considering I cannot paint or even draw a straight line, I may need to look into buying some of these.


Scrangie said...

Actually, I didn't use Konad to do the design, I just had my usual Konad colors handy so I used them :) (China Glaze holos and chromes are what I normally Konad with!)

the beauty and style devotee said...

Thank you for clearing it up!

So that means that you painted those free-hand? Damn, girl!