Thursday, October 13, 2011

Anglomania: Jessie J's Shiny Hair

I have two posts about stuff that I am loving that happens to come out of England.  First off, Youtube recommended this video (yeah, I've been finding solace from schoolwork in Youtube music videos) and all I could think about is how shiny Jessie J's hair is!

I googled "Jessie J shiny hair" and this was the first video that came up:

Now, I was already looking for a good product to tame flyaways and static.  Tragically, as I mentioned in my last post, I re-discovered Makeup Alley.  This is tragic mostly for my wallet.  So quite a few of TiGi's S-Factor's products were highly recommended, as well as on  The blow that Makeup Alley dealt me was that a member said that she got the products from TiGi's website in a bundle deal.  So yeah, fast forward to an hour to two later when I bought two bundles, all for Lusterizer and the Flat Iron Shine Spray.  Between those two packages, I am expecting 6 products (that I probably don't need, yipe!) on Friday.  I cannot wait to try the Lusterizer! I will report back on the weekend when I straighten my hair.

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