Friday, November 27, 2009

Wishlisted! MYHoneyChild's Honey Hair Mask

With winter approaching in addition to color damage, my hair craves moisture. I was looking at the 30% sale section in Curlmart, but didn't see anything too exciting.  So I went on MakeupAlley to check out reviews for hair treatments that got the highest ratings and saw  this mask with five 5-lippie reviews.  I went back to Curlmart to look at the details, and saw that is it silicone-free and protein-free so that must mean moisture galore with no build-up!  I can't wait to try this.

At $10 for 8 ounces, the price is most certainly right! The ingredients are: Unfiltered Raw Honey, Shea Butter, Coconut Butter, Mango Butter, Coconut Milk and Honey essence oil.

photo courtesy of

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