Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Step over, argon oil

Is Rahua the new South American hotness?

Or are they riding on the success of Ojon?... and then argon oil? Well, I don't expect the reviews to come in a flood, the elixir that this company is selling is going for $175 for one ounce.  That is like, wow.  REALLY expensive, so people probably won't run out and get this product until a celebrity says they can't live without it.  From my impression after reading the Beauty Counter entry on, it is a new line so we have to wait for the new adopters to give some glowing reviews before this newly discovered (to North Americans) raw material gets some steam.  The line is 100%  natural and offers a shampoo, conditioner, and  styling product,  at, yes, much more reasonable prices!  The conditioner is really interesting to me, I love that they list the ingredients on the page! The honeysuckle and green tea hydrosols probably make it smell great, and my hair loves aloe vera, vegetable glycerin, jojoba oil, and proteins.

I will be keeping my eye out for this one.  Quite simply, I already have some more things to add to my hair wishlist!

picture courtesy of

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