Saturday, November 13, 2010


Is there a beauty item or service you must splurge on?

I don't use this $140 shampoo, but Kim France, the founding editor-in-chief of Lucky, needs it in her beauty arsenal. I am pretty sure Jean Godfrey-June featured it in her monthly "the beauty closet" page a while ago, because this isn't the first time I've heard of it.  In order not to sound like a loon, France does recognize that its price is "certainly crazy and possibly outright vulgar."  I really liked this piece in Slate because it coincided with Lucky's 10th anniversary edition, and the first with the new editor-in-chief Brandon Holley.  Quite a few things that France needs in her life is featured among the most-loved products in Lucky's 10 years.

Phillip B.'s shampoo is certainly not the first  product to make waves for its miraculous effects and extraordinary price point. I remember ages ago when I thought that Dr. Brandt's microdermabrasion exfoliating cream was ridiculous at $75 for 1.7 oz. I still think that it's expensive but I discovered that there are more outrageous costs of beauty. And let's be honest, St. Ive's daily microdermabrasion cleanser is total crap for $5.  The whole point of spending more is to get better results.  After that, I have reports that Jennifer Lopez allegedly used La Mer's Crème de la Mer all over her body. A 1 oz. jar will set you back $130 and a 16.5 oz jar is $1,390. I think it was Lucky I heard raves about Fresh's Creme Ancienne, which costs $250 for 3.7 oz.  I sampled this when I was in a Sephora once, and I thought it was heavy, and didn't really think much else... I am sure there are other serums and conditioners that come at a hefty price tag that a lot of normal  people (but with a serious beauty product habit) use to look their best.

I think the products in my arsenal is in line with what my disposable income can afford.  I have expensive perfume and nail polish, but the price-per-wear is reasonable (plus these are my weaknesses).  Looking around, I think that the biggest splurge (other that perfume and nail polish) in weight is Dior's Crème Abricot - at $23 for .35 oz., that's about $66/oz.  And for the record, I wouldn't repurchase. To compare, the shampoo is about $9-12/oz.  Price-per-use will probably be a different figure since I have had the cuticle cream for quite a while now, I think maybe a year. 

What I do splurge on is hair color.  I started first at my local Dominican salon and I am now with  a master colorist at my local Ted Gibson salon, so you can imagine it puts a hurt on my wallet.  This most recent issue of Lucky offers tons of great tips the editors have learned and lived by over the magazine's life.  One such tip (on page 119) is to spend money on your haircut because "You. Wear it. Every. Day." I still go to the Dominican Salon for my trim (it's great), but getting the perfect shade of red was worth the trip to Chevy Chase. 

Go ahead and submit an anonymous comment and get it off your chest - what beautifying thing do you splurge on?

BTW, if you want to try the Russian Amber Imperial Shampoo, a review on suggests obtaining a sample from a stockist close to you.  It is currently selling on the site for $106.

photos lifted from,,, and

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