Thursday, September 9, 2010

St. Tropez for Brown Girls

This is going to be quick, because I have only used the Gradual Tan for body.  I bought the self-tan spray too, but I haven't used it yet.  Well, I sprayed it on one foot and didn't see a difference the next day, and it leaked all over the place so I wasn't pressed to give it a full test run.  I heard about it on the Beauty Counter blog (as always) when a tan specialist said that he uses St. Tropez for his black and other darker-skinned clients.

My skin tone is about the same as Tracee Ellis Ross' (My hair is very similar too!).  I ordered the Gradual Tan lotion in medium/dark and loved it.  The only bad part is that I had a few red pimples on my chest and upper arms, but the area from my chest and upper arms to face is extremely sensitive.  What I liked best about using this lotion is that I applied it to my inner arm to even out my skin tone.  When it wasn't way lighter than the rest of my arm like normal, I started applying the lotion to my whole body.  It made me browner and looked very natural - not a huge difference but I was very impressed!

I haven't used it in while, but I figured I would bring it up now just in case someone wants to try this brand's tanning products because I got an e-mail about a promotion.  When you like their Facebook page, you will become privy to a 20% discount code!  The offer ends Sept 12.  I still have products to work through, so I don't need the code, so I hope it helps someone out!

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