Monday, May 2, 2011

Summer Prep - Beauty

Apologies to those below the equator, going through winter now!

I am all about enhancing what you got, one way is to make you skin shimmer day or night.  I am very interested in the Nars Laguna Body Illuminator, which is limited edition.  I have no idea if it looks different  on the skin than the famous Body Glow.

St. Tropez also recently introduced Skin Illuminators in gold, violet, and rose.

To prevent your hair from fading and drying out, remember to wear a hat or at least something with UVA/UVB protection.  I bought L'Oreal's EverPure UV Protect Spray but have yet to test it out.

For moisture, I love Palmer's Coconut Oil Hair Milk  as a leave-in.  I have used the olive oil one too, but I prefer the coconut oil, though it is heavily fragranced.

Rene Furterer's Karite Nutritive Concentrate is also pretty amazing - softens hair immediately.

Also, don't forget to rinse your skin after you sweat a lot or after going in the salty ocean or chlorinated pool.  Moisturizing is also very important.  Remember to use sunscreen daily - the sun is more intense and skin cancer can develop from repeated sun exposure. If you happen to get burnt or overly tanned, soothe your skin with Alba Botanica's Kona Coffee After-Sun Lotion

Having smooth skin will save you the trouble of piling on the foundation which may not match your skin tone as it adjusts to the seasons.  Gently exfoliate your face at night.  I like Dr. Eckstein's Facial Scrub and Alba Botanica's Papaya Enzyme Facial Mask.

I say at night because you don't want to expose your freshly exfoliated face to the sun's powerful rays.  Do not do any intensive chemical peels! You will be asking for skin damage, so what's the point of paying all that money for the peel? Most aestheticians will refuse to do peels during summer anyway.

photo credits:,,,,,, and

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